When pirating Apple II games, the challenge was to make it as easy to transfer the files as possible. Since 300 baud could mean a full disk transfer taking over an hour, any reduction in size would be welcomed.
One way to do this would be to take a program disk and turn the disk into a single, smaller file. Of course, most programs (especially games) would have protection schemes inside to check to see if this sort of manipulaiton had gone on. Enter the "Crackers", who would "Crack" the protection schemes so they didn't work anymore.
This battle waged and has continued to wage between Software Companies and Software Pirates.
Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
addocs.txt | 17769 | DOCS: Advanced Demuffin Version 1.1 by The Stack and The Inspector (February 8, 1983) |
adexample.txt | 2682 | An Example of Using Advanced Demuffin to Crack a Game: Castle Wolfenstein |
adtech.txt | 16773 | Technical Notes for Advanced Demuffin 1.1 by The Stack (1983) |
advdem.app | 16645 | Technical notes for Advanced DeMuffin II, a cracking tool |
alienmdcheat.txt | 1286 | Alien Mind Cheat - Brought to you by The Baron |
alienmindpatch.txt | 2183 | A Crack and patch for Alien Mind, from Fred Gotfredson |
asstcracks1.txt | 8806 | Assorted Cracks 1: Wings of Fury, VCR Companion, CrossWord Magic 4.0, Tetris, RoboCop, Ikari Warriors, etc. from Michael Kelsey |
asstcracks2.txt | 11043 | Assorted Cracks 2: From Mike Hackett |
bardst3wheel.txt | 565 | Bard's Tale III Code Wheel crack,from Zhu Hang |
bardstale.txt | 8219 | Bard's Tale I and II GS character editor |
battlechess.txt | 1084 | Deprotect for Battle Chess |
bubbleghost.txt | 3680 | Bubble Ghost from Accolade |
cheat.app | 4424 | All manner of cheats for various Apple II games |
cheats | 7416 | LARGE Collection of Apple Cheats (Break into Monitor and Modify) |
cheats.app | 2749 | The Penguin's Apple Cheats |
cheats2.app | 4498 | Apple Pirate's Cheats |
chess2000.txt | 1493 | ChessMaster 2100 GS |
copyprog.app | 2991 | How to Copy Programs, by the Three Musketeers |
copyprot.app | 15163 | Copy-Protecting your own disks, by Thomas T. Brylinski |
crack1.txt | 1023 | Introduction to a Talk on Software Piracy |
crackin.app | 9989 | An introduction to cracking by The Necromancer |
cracktutor.txt | 9295 | The Basics of Basic Cracking, by Copy/Cat of the Hi-Res Hijackers |
crakowit.app | 3647 | Kracowicz' Kracking Corner IV |
crisis.app | 1900 | How to crack Crisis Mountain, by Doctor Who |
crisismtncrack.txt | 1922 | How to Crack Crisis Mountain |
darkheart.txt | 6468 | Become Master of the Game! Breaking into The Dark Heart of Uukrul by Jeff Hurlburt |
deathcheat | 517 | Cheat for "Death Sword" |
dejavucracks.txt | 849 | Deju Vu cracks from Computist magazine |
diskjock.app | 51504 | Examining protected Applesoft programs, by the Disk Jockey |
dm2copy.txt | 682 | Deprotect Dungeon Master v2.0 |
fastbreak.txt | 1143 | Fastbreak GS by Accolade |
gnarlygolfcheat.txt | 962 | Gnarly Golf GS cheat - Britanicca by Jim Maricondo |
hdinstallmethod.txt | 10700 | Install HD Version 1.0 May 1991 |
immortaldepro.txt | 2487 | Deprotecting The Immortal |
infohardware.txt | 13996 | Krakowicz' Kracking Korner: Basic Hardware Kracking Tools |
infolost.txt | 6615 | The Lost Treasures of Infocom Mini Manual |
inforomswitch.txt | 4970 | Instructions for the Romswitch and the Krakrom NMI, by Krakowicz |
jacknicklausgolf.txt | 749 | Jack Nicklaus's Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf |
krack1.app | 2927 | High Technology's Cracking Tutorial, Part I |
krack2.app | 1765 | High Technology's Cracking Tutorial, Part II |
krack3.app | 2239 | High Technology's Cracking Tutorial, Part III |
krack4.app | 1887 | High Technology's Cracking Tutorial, Part IV |
krack5.app | 2560 | High Technology's Cracking Tutorial, Part V |
krackarcade.txt | 11096 | Krakowicz's Kracking Korner IV: The Arcade Machine, with Notes on NMI and IDSI's Juggler, by Krakowicz |
krackcyclod.txt | 18184 | Krakowicz' Kraking Corner: Cyclod, by Krakowicz |
krackcyclod2.txt | 12219 | Krakowicz' Kraking Corner: Cyclod and Juggler, by Krakowicz |
krackspm.txt | 13745 | Krakowicz' Kraking Korner: Kameari from Ado-Soft (Japan) |
krackssi.txt | 16351 | Krakowicz' Kraking Korner: SSI's RDOS, by Krakowicz |
kracktypea.txt | 24839 | Dealing with Disk Access Routines, by Krakowicz |
krackwo.txt | 8266 | Krakowicz' Kraking Corner IIIa: Way Out, by Krakowicz |
krackwo2.txt | 7269 | Krakowicz' Kraking Corner: Way Out Part 2, by Krakowicz |
krakowic.txt | 13198 | Kracowicz' Kraking Tips from ROM Raider |
krckwczt.app | 137510 | The Kracowicz Basics of Cracking Series. A++ |
lastninjaonhd.txt | 1770 | Last Ninja/IIgs Deprotect and Hard Disk Mods |
maccrack.app | 5981 | The Byte's introduction to Mac Cracking |
machine.app | 13084 | Black Bag's Introduction to Machine Language for Cracking |
macteam.app | 9569 | Macteam's thoughts on copy protection on the Macintosh |
manycheats2.txt | 20106 | Many Cheats II, from Pirates Bay |
miffins2.txt | 1421 | How to use Demuffin Plus |
odysseydepro.txt | 1246 | Odyssey: The Compleat Adventure (Deprotection) |
param2.app | 16201 | Parameters of Nibbles Away II for various software packages |
piratesdeproandhd.txt | 9838 | Making Pirates/GS Hard Disk Bootable, by Rubywant |
playroomdepro.txt | 1710 | A Backup for Playroom, by Broderbund |
princepersiadepro.txt | 2243 | Deprotect for Prince of Persia on 3.5" Floppy |
softkey | 21083 | Softkey Unprotections for a Variety of Commercial Programs |
tangled.txt | 2888 | Deprotect for Tangled Tales |
thexder.txt | 1201 | Old version Thexder joystick patch for IIgs |
trace2.app | 11562 | Mr. Xerox' boot tracing, volume I (badly converted) |
tstdrv28biltdepro.txt | 363 | Deprotect for the 8 bit version of Test Drive II |
ultima.v.txt | 1097 | Copy II+ Parameters for Ultima V |
wings.fury.cht | 606 | Cheat to Wings of Fure |
wiz4codesinfo.txt | 3575 | Wizardry IV Codes |
wiz5codes.txt | 37590 | Wizardry V Magic Word List |
wpwiz1dsk.txt | 1372 | Adding Write-Protect to Wizardry I boot disk image |
xenocide.txt | 925 | Xenocide "key-disk" removal patch |
yscheat.txt | 5179 | Cheat for Ancient Land of Y's (GS) by Jim Maricondo |
ysdepro.txt | 6834 | Crack for Ancient Land of Y's (GS) by Jim Maricondo |
There are 77 files for a total of 710,386 bytes. |