The raging debate aside, in these files you find instructions on how to unprotect various pieces of software so they could be copied freely. In some cases, the attempt is to make it so the program can be run on a hard drive instead of the 256kb floppy that came with the software. In others, people try to make it easier to install among multiple machines or make a needed backup copy of programs that cost them hundreds of dollars.
An interesting subtext is the myriad ways that are used to prevent copying the software. A battle still being waged.
Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
123.unp | 706 | Unprotect for Lotus 123 by Gene Plantz |
123new.unp | 640 | Unprotect for Lotus 123 (Revised) |
123star.unp | 1152 | UNPROTECT: Lotus 123 Release 1A |
123v201.unp | 2816 | UNPROTECT: Lotus Version 2.01 Upgrade |
aardvark.unp | 3712 | Unprotect: Aardvark McGraw-Hill Financial Software, by JRE |
artwork.unp | 2944 | How to Unprotect "Artwork" by West End Film (Version 2.43) |
banner.unp | 2048 | Unprotect: Banner Builder from Power Up (1983) |
bardtal1 | 16653 | Walkthrough for The Bard's Tale |
bchess2.fix | 441 | UNPROTECT: Battle Chess 2 Fix |
bic-sol2.nfo | 5022 | UNPROTECT: Bicycle Solitaire v2.01 by Swfte of the Humble Guys |
book.unp | 1408 | Unprotect: Little Black Book by Cignet Technologies |
brushwrk.unp | 1792 | Unprotect: Brushwork by West End Film (Version 2.43) |
carbonc.unp | 896 | Unprotect: Carbon Copy Version 2.14 |
caveman.unp | 428 | UNPROTECT: Caveman Ugh-Lympics |
cent-unp.txt | 455 | UNPROTECT: Centurion by Electronic Arts |
ch-krynn.txt | 637 | Sector-Editing Out Copy-Protection in Champions of the Krynn |
chartmas.unp | 3465 | UNPROTECT: Chartmaster Version 6.04 (With Excellent Anti-Pay-BBS Rant) |
chtmas61.unp | 1024 | Unprotect: Chartmaster |
civ-crac | 12938 | Using a Sector Editor to Do All Sorts of Insane Things in Civilization (October 11, 1992) |
civ.unp | 1854 | An Unprotect for Civilization |
clout256.unp | 3328 | Unprotect: CLOUT v1.0 |
clout384.unp | 3456 | Unprotect: R:Base 4000, from The ASP |
code_whl.txt | 7900 | UNPROTECT: Code Wheel for DOOGER |
copywrit.unp | 2304 | Unprotect: Copywrit, February Release |
dallas.hnt | 865 | Unprotect DALLAS QUEST BY Datasoft by Software Pirates, INC |
dambust.hnt | 1232 | Unprotect "The Dambusters" from Accolade (March 25, 1985) |
dambust.unp | 1083 | Unprotect: The Dambusters, from Accolade |
db3.unp | 2089 | Unprotect: DBASE III |
db3v30.txt | 6784 | UNPROTECT: Dbase III (November 2, 1984) |
dba.unp | 2409 | Unprotect: DBASE Administrator 1.0, by Perry Simm (March 28, 1986) |
diagm501.unp | 3456 | Unprotect: Diagram Master 5.01 |
diagraph.unp | 2202 | Unprotect: Diagraph 3.31 |
diagrm50.unp | 1024 | Unprotect: Diagram Master v5.0 |
dol&sen.unp | 1838 | Unprotect: Dollars and Sense (December 22, 1985) |
doubldos.unp | 4352 | UNPROTECT: DoubleDOS from the Lone Vector |
elecdesk.unp | 768 | Unprotect: Electric Desk v1.04 |
enable.unp | 1280 | Unprotect: Enable System Disk |
ewbackup.unp | 2304 | Unprotect: Easywriter 1.0 |
fastback.unp | 2688 | Unprotect: FASTBACK, from Fifth Generation |
flghtsim.unp | 972 | Unprotect: Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.00 |
focus405.unp | 768 | Unprotect: FOCUS Activator Diskette |
frmwrk2.unp | 5248 | Unprotect: Breaking Framework II's Softguard 2.03 protection, by The Lone Victor |
gato2.unp | 640 | Unprotect: Gato (November 8, 1985) |
gclisp.unp | 7936 | Unprotect: GCLIST (Version 2.0) |
grafwrtr.unp | 3200 | Unprotect: Graphwriter version 4.21 |
harvard.unp | 10014 | Unprotect: Harvard Project Manager v1.1 |
ibmasst.unp | 7296 | Unprotect: IBM Assistant Series | | 723 | UNPROTECT: Fix for Initial Buck Rogers |
kq2.unp | 2788 | Unprotect: King's Quest II by Sierra Online |
layout.unp | 512 | Unprotect:L Prokey 3.0 |
ll2unpro.txt | 6400 | UNPROTECT: Leisure Suit Larry II by Edqrd H. Currie, Ph. D |
loadcalc.unp | 1152 | Unprotect: LoadCalc version 4.13 |
many.unp | 4472 | UNPROTECT: DBase III Version 1.10 by The Lone Victor |
memshift.unp | 512 | Unprotect: dBase III version 1.10 by The Lone Victor |
memshift2.unp | 459 | Unprotecting Lotus 1-2-3 |
ml28-30.unp | 3328 | Unprotect: Multilink version 2.08 |
mlink206.unp | 2560 | Unprotect: Multilink Version 2.06 |
mlink207.unp | 2048 | Unprotect: Multilink version 2.07 |
mp.unp | 1792 | Unprotect: Mind Prober, by Warren Auyong |
ms2.unp | 1536 | Unprotect: Memory Shift Master |
msword.unp | 2176 | Unprotect: MS Word |
mymall.unp | 4096 | Unprotect: Money Manager |
new123.unp | 640 | UNRPOTECT: Lotus 1-2-3 |
new123un.v1a | 1024 | UNPROTECT: Lotus 1-2-3 Version 1a |
newsroom.unp | 1664 | Unprotect: Newsroom |
pcdraw.unp | 2884 | Unprotect: PCDRAW |
pcdraw14.unp | 2688 | Unprotect: PC-DRAW version 1.4 by Against Software Protection |
pcm.unp | 512 | Unprotect: IBM Personal Communications Manager v1.0 |
pfs-prog.unp | 3200 | Unprotect: PFS File, PFS Report, PFS Write |
pfsreset.unp | 2909 | Unprotect: Resetting the Number of Hard Disk Installs Back to 5 for PFS Programs |
police2.txt | 4608 | UNPROTECT: Police Quest II Descriptions |
pool15.unp | 896 | Unprotect: POOL 1.5 |
printshp.unp | 1920 | Unprotect: Print Shop |
prokey.unp | 1060 | Unprotect: ProKey (version 3.0) |
pshop.unp | 1792 | Unprotect: Print Shop, by Stealth Pirates Corp 1986 |
rb4000.unp | 3584 | Unprotect: R:Base 4000 v1.11 (June 4, 1984) |
samna.unp | 2560 | Unprotect: Samna Word II |
sargon3.unp | 1152 | Unprotect: Sargon III |
sierrunp.txt | 7898 | Unprotect: All Sierra Games Using the Version 3.0 Sierra.COM Game Loader (July 11, 1988) |
silntser.unp | 2781 | Unprotect: Silent Service by Micro Prose |
sinmas51.unp | 1024 | Unprotect: SINMAS 5.1 |
sk100a.unp | 629 | Unprotect: Sidekick |
sk111a.unp | 2304 | Unprotect: Sidekick version 1.11A |
skv15.unp | 1792 | Unprotect: Sidekick Version 1.5 by Steve Schauer |
spss_fix.unp | 1215 | Unprotect: SpssFix Files |
symph.txt | 1408 | Unprotecting Lotus' Symphony |
symphony.unp | 2560 | Unprotect: Symphony v1.00 |
synciv.nfo | 3241 | UNPROTECT: Cheat for Sid Mierer's: Civilization by Platinum! of the Humble Guys |
tank.unp | 4096 | Unprotect: ThinkTank Version 1.00 |
thinkfix.unp | 1430 | Unprotect: Thinktank v2.0 |
time-mgr.unp | 1104 | Unprotect: IBM Time Manager |
tknew.unp | 5760 | Unprotect: TK!Solver |
trivia.unp | 1280 | Unprotect: Trivia Fever |
ultima.unp | 2790 | Unprotect: Ultima II |
unp123.txt | 640 | UNPROTECT: Lotus 1-2-3 from the Big Apple BBS |
updenab.unp | 1152 | Unprotect: Enable 1.00 |
visicalc.unp | 2560 | Unprotect: Visicalc |
war.unp | 2304 | Unprotect: Ancient Art of War, by Broderbund |
word.unp | 2304 | Unprotect: MS Word |
word20.unp | 2123 | Unprotect: MS Word 2.0 |
ws2000.unp | 4992 | Unprotect: Wordstar 2000 version 1.00 by Gerald Lee |
xenocopy.unp | 4864 | Unprotect: XenoCopy Plus v.109 |
zork12.unp | 1536 | Unprotect: Zork III, by Infocom |
zork3.unp | 1024 | Unprotect: Zork III |
There are 104 files for a total of 280,925 bytes. |